Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Cute Tape

This is one of my favourite sites for purchasing decorative craft tapes and other pretty pieces I use when making cards and invites. Cutetape.com sell a great collection of Japanese decorative masking tapes and other cute Korean stationery. There site features some lovely photography, showing the many ways there tapes can be used to add a personal touch to everyday items. Take a look at the online shop www.cutetape.com x x

Friday, 7 January 2011

Parasol - Paul and Joe Spring 2011

I love the new spring collection of Paul and Joe Cosmetics. There beauty range is always so pretty and feminine, how i'd love my makeup bag to be over flowing with these gorgeous designed delights! Above are some images of the new cosmetics I found on the the paul and joe website - the collection is named 'Parasol'.

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Keepsake record recipe cards

Some record cards I designed to keep note of recipes. Just need to find myself a box or small file to keep them in.

Picket fence

Change of address cards - not long til I can send out my own.


Alice in Wonderland inspired Invitations with matching cupcake toppers.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! I haven't posted in a while now, I've had a bit of spare time over the holidays and had a play with some new designs and ideas. I had some inspiration from the Alice in wonderland Birthday cake my sisiter made for my niece, it was lovely and gave me some ideas for invites and cupcake toppers.

My husband and I are in the process of renovating our house, and so I designed some new address cards which i'm intending to use and send once were moved in.

I've also been looking to get myself a recipe notebook of some sort, but instead I designed some record cards which i'll pop into a box to keep organised.

Hope you like - I'll be back again soon with new ideas x x